How to keep my candles looking there best?

Candles are susceptible to discoloration and fading when exposed to intense light for extended periods. To preserve the vibrant colors and appearance of your candles, it is best to avoid displaying them in direct sunlight or under strong illumination such as fluorescent lighting. Instead, opt for a shaded area or use ambient lighting to showcase your candles.

1. Store in a Cool, Dry Place

Proper storage is crucial for maintaining the quality of your candles. High temperatures, especially those exceeding 80 degrees Fahrenheit, can cause the wax to soften and lose its shape. To prevent this, store your candles in a cool and dry place, away from heat sources and direct sunlight. This will help preserve their structure and prevent any unwanted deformation.

2. Avoid Warm and Humid Areas

In addition to high temperatures, candles can also be affected by warm and humid environments. Excessive moisture in the air can cause the wax to become soft and sticky, leading to potential damage or a decrease in burn time. To protect your candles, avoid storing them in areas with high humidity, such as bathrooms or near kitchen appliances that generate heat and steam.

Do I need to trim my wick?

As a candle enthusiast, you may wonder if it's really necessary to trim the wick before lighting your candle. The answer is yes, it is important to trim the wick regularly to ensure a safe and enjoyable candle-burning experience.

When it comes to trimming the wick, timing is key. You should trim the wick when it needs to be trimmed. One indication that the wick needs trimming is if you see a carbon mushroom on top of the wick. This carbon buildup can lead to excessive flickering, smoke, and soot. Trimming the wick will prevent these issues and ensure a clean burn.

Another instance when you should trim the wick is if it appears to be very long. A long wick can cause the flame to become too large, resulting in a higher risk of accidents or damage to your candle container. By trimming the wick to 1/4" before lighting your candle, you can maintain a controlled flame and reduce the chances of any mishaps.

Additionally, if you notice that the flame of your candle is getting too large, producing smoke or soot, it's a sign that the wick needs to be trimmed. In such cases, simply extinguish the flame, trim the wick, and relight the candle. This simple step will help maintain a clean and steady burn.

By neglecting to trim the wick, you may encounter various problems. All candle wicks have the potential to "mushroom" at the top, especially when they are not properly maintained. This mushrooming can lead to an erratic flame, increased smoke, and the release of soot into the air. Trimming the wick regularly will prevent these issues and ensure that your candle burns cleanly and evenly.

Remember, a well-trimmed wick is essential for a safe and enjoyable candle-burning experience. It helps to control the size of the flame, minimize smoke and soot, and prolong the life of your candle. Make it a habit to trim the wick before each use, and you'll be able to fully enjoy the captivating fragrances and cozy ambiance that our luxurious container candles provide.

Why is there wax on the sides of my candle?

As a candle enthusiast, it's important to understand the phenomenon of wax hang-up and tunneling that can occur during the burning process. While a little hang-up is normal, excessive amounts and tunneling can be avoided by following proper burning practices.

Wax hang-up refers to the wax that sticks to the sides of the container (tunneling) as the candle burns. This is a common occurrence, especially towards the top and middle of the candle. In most cases, the wax will eventually catch up and melt, ensuring an even burn. However, small amounts of hang-up or film are completely normal and should not cause concern.

1. What Causes Tunneling?

Tunneling is a more severe form of wax hang-up, where a hole forms down the middle of the candle, leaving a ring of unburned wax around the edges. Tunneling can occur for several reasons:

  1. Improperly or Cheaply Made Candles: Some candles are not made with high-quality materials or are not properly manufactured, leading to uneven burning and tunneling.
  2. Mistakes During Production: Occasionally, errors can occur during the production process, particularly with the wick. This can result in uneven burning and tunneling.
  3. Insufficient Burn Time: Burning a candle for short periods, such as less than 3-4 hours per burn, can contribute to tunneling. It is important to allow the candle to burn long enough for the wax pool to reach the edges of the container.

2. Preventing Tunneling:

To prevent tunneling and ensure a more even burn, follow these tips:

  • Burn your candle for a minimum of 3-4 hours during each use. This allows the wax pool to reach the edges of the container, preventing tunneling.
  • Trim the wick to 1/4 inch before each burn. This helps maintain a steady flame and prevents excessive heat, which can contribute to tunneling.
  • Place your candle on a heat-resistant surface and away from drafts. This ensures an even burn and minimizes the risk of tunneling.

While wax hang-up and tunneling can occur in candles, understanding the causes and following proper burning practices can help prevent these issues. By using high-quality candles, allowing sufficient burn time, and maintaining the wick, you can enjoy a more even and satisfying candle experience.

Why do I sometimes get small puffs of smoke coming from my wick and flame?

Have you ever noticed small puffs of smoke coming from your candle wick and flame? Don't worry, this phenomenon can occur for a couple of reasons. Let's explore why this happens and how you can prevent it.

First and foremost, it's essential to keep your wick trimmed properly. Trimming the wick to the recommended length, usually around 1/4 inch, helps maintain a clean and controlled burn. A longer wick can lead to an uneven flame, which may produce small puffs of smoke.

Additionally, constant or random drafts in your environment can also contribute to the occurrence of smoke puffs. Air currents, whether from an open window, a fan, or even air conditioning, can disrupt the candle's flame and cause it to flicker. This flickering can result in the emission of smoke.

To minimize the chances of experiencing small puffs of smoke, consider the following tips:

  1. Regularly trim your wick to the recommended length before each use.
  2. Place your candle in an area with minimal air movement to avoid drafts.
  3. Avoid placing your candle near open windows, fans, or vents.
  4. Ensure that the candle is placed on a stable and level surface.
  5. Keep the candle away from flammable objects or materials.

By following these guidelines, you can enjoy a clean and smoke-free burning experience with your luxurious container candles from White Oak Ambience. Remember, a well-maintained candle not only enhances the ambiance of your space but also ensures a longer-lasting and more enjoyable fragrance.

If you have any further questions or concerns about your candle's performance, feel free to reach out to our team at info@whiteoakambience.com. We are here to assist you and provide expert advice.

There is a mushroom on the head of my wick after burning; why?

As a candle enthusiast, you may have noticed a peculiar phenomenon called mushroom bloom on your candle wick after burning. But fear not, for I am here to shed light on this intriguing occurrence.

Mushroom bloom, also known as carbon buildup, is a common phenomenon that can happen when burning certain types of candles, including container candles like the ones we offer at White Oak Ambience. It occurs when the wick is made of cotton or other natural fibers.

So, what exactly is mushroom bloom? When you burn a candle, the heat of the flame vaporizes the liquid wax, which then rises up the wick and is consumed by the flame. However, some of the carbon particles in the wax do not completely burn away and instead accumulate on the tip of the wick, forming a mushroom-like shape.

While mushroom bloom may not be aesthetically pleasing, it is generally harmless and does not affect the performance or safety of the candle. In fact, it is a sign that your candle is made from high-quality natural materials.

Here are a few key points to keep in mind:

  1. Trim your wick: To minimize mushroom bloom, it is important to trim your wick to the recommended length before each use. This helps maintain a steady and controlled flame, reducing the amount of carbon buildup.
  2. Burn time: Avoid burning your candle for extended periods. Long burn times can contribute to increased mushroom bloom. It is recommended to burn your candle for no more than 4 hours at a time.
  3. Proper ventilation: Ensure that the room where you burn your candle is well-ventilated. Good airflow can help prevent excessive carbon buildup.

While mushroom bloom is a natural occurrence, it is important to monitor it and take appropriate measures to ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your candle. If you notice excessive mushroom bloom or any other unusual behavior, it may be a sign of a low-quality candle or improper burning conditions.

At White Oak Ambience, we take pride in crafting our luxurious container candles with the utmost care and attention to detail. Our candles are designed to provide you with a captivating fragrance experience while maintaining a high level of quality.

If you have any further questions or concerns about mushroom bloom or any other candle-related topic, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to assist you and ensure your candle journey is nothing short of delightful.

How to avoid smoke when extinguishing your candle?

As a manufacturer of luxurious container candles, White Oak Ambience is here to provide you with valuable insights on how to avoid candle smoke when extinguishing the flame. We understand that the presence of smoke can detract from the overall ambiance and enjoyment of your candle experience. Follow these expert tips to ensure a smoke-free and delightful candle burning experience:

1. Trim the Wick

Before lighting your candle, make sure to trim the wick to approximately 1/4 inch. A longer wick can cause the flame to burn too high, leading to excessive smoke. Trimming the wick helps to maintain a controlled flame and minimize smoke production.

2. Use a Candle Snuffer

Instead of blowing out the flame, which can create smoke, consider using a candle snuffer. A snuffer gently extinguishes the flame without causing any disturbance to the surrounding air. This method reduces the chances of smoke being emitted from the candle.

3. Dip the Wick

An effective technique to prevent smoke is to dip the wick into the melted wax before extinguishing the flame. This process involves using a non-flammable tool, such as a toothpick or a wick dipper, to submerge the wick into the liquid wax. This action cuts off the oxygen supply to the flame, ensuring a smokeless extinguishing process.

4. Avoid Drafts

When burning your candle, ensure that it is placed in an area free from drafts. Air currents can disrupt the flame and cause it to flicker, leading to increased smoke production. By positioning your candle away from open windows, fans, or air vents, you can maintain a steady flame and minimize smoke.

5. Allow the Wax to Solidify

After extinguishing the flame, allow the wax to solidify completely before relighting the candle. Relighting a candle with warm or partially melted wax can result in increased smoke. By giving the wax enough time to cool and solidify, you can ensure a clean and smoke-free burn during subsequent uses. At White Oak Ambience we advise to allow your candle to set for 4-5 hours before relighting your candle. 

By following these expert tips, you can enjoy the captivating fragrances of our luxurious container candles without the presence of smoke. At White Oak Ambience, we strive to provide you with the ultimate candle experience, where every moment is filled with blissful ambiance and tranquility.

How long does my product take to ship?

Thank you for your interest in White Oak Ambience's luxurious container candles. We understand that receiving your products in a timely manner is important to you. Here is some information about our shipping and delivery process:

1.Shipping Times

At White Oak Ambience, we strive to ship your products as quickly as possible. Currently, we ship products every Wednesday and Saturday. Please note that these are our scheduled shipping days, and your order will be shipped on the next available shipping day after your purchase.

We strongly advise checking the shipping status of your package daily. While we have no control over how long shipping carriers will take to deliver your package, we recommend being proactive in tracking its progress. Please keep in mind that the nature of our products, such as wax, may be sensitive to heat and can be damaged if left outside for extended periods.

For your convenience, you can check general transit times for your package by visiting the following links:

- For the US Post Office: https://www.usps.com/priority-mail/map/

- For UPS: http://www.ups.com/maps

2. Missing Package

If you believe your package is missing or if there are any issues with the items you received, please contact White Oak Ambience within 7 days of receiving your package. We may require proof of error, such as pictures or a detailed description of the issue. Please note that we will not be able to make any adjustments or address any concerns after this time.

If you did not receive your order, we recommend contacting the courier with your tracking number to inquire about the whereabouts of your package. You can also reach out to us for assistance with your order.

UPS customer service: 1-800-742-5877
USPS customer service: 1-800-275-8777

3. Tracking Your Order

Once your order is shipped, you will receive an email with the tracking number. You can use this tracking number to monitor the progress of your package. If you have any questions or concerns about tracking your order, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

We hope this information provides clarity on our shipping and delivery process. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact us at info@whiteoakambience.com. We are here to help!

What do I do if my product arrives damaged or is defective? 

 At White Oak Ambience, we strive to provide our customers with the highest quality products. However, we understand that sometimes items may arrive defective or damaged. If you receive a defective or damaged item, please follow the steps below to resolve the issue:

Step 1: Inspect Your Order

Upon receiving your package, we recommend inspecting the contents immediately. Carefully examine each item to ensure it is in good condition. If you notice any defects or damages, please proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Contact Us

If you discover a defective or damaged item, please contact our customer support team as soon as possible. You can reach us by email at info@whiteoakambience.com. Please include your order number, a detailed description of the issue, and attach clear pictures of the defect or damage. This will help us evaluate the problem and provide a suitable solution.

Step 3: Evaluation and Resolution

Once we receive your email, our team will carefully review the information and pictures provided. We will evaluate the defect or damage to determine the best course of action. This may include offering a replacement for the defective or damaged item.

Step 4: Return or Exchange

If a replacement is deemed necessary, we will provide you with a return shipping label and instructions on how to send back the defective or damaged item. Please ensure that the item is securely packaged to prevent further damage during transit. Once we receive the item, we will promptly send out a replacement.

Step 5: Refund

In some cases, a refund may be offered instead of a replacement. This will be determined based on the nature of the defect or damage. If a refund is approved, it will be processed within 10 business days and credited back to your original payment method.

Step 6: Contact Us for Assistance

If you have any questions or need further assistance regarding a defective or damaged item, please don't hesitate to contact our customer support team at info@whiteoakambience.com. We are here to help and ensure your satisfaction.

Please note that this policy applies only to items that are received defective or damaged. For general returns and exchanges, please refer to our Return Policy.

Can I return a fragrance if I don't like it?

We have a limited return policy, but unfortunately, we do not accept returns if you simply don't like the fragrance you ordered. Our return policy only covers cases where you received the wrong item or if an item is defective or damaged upon arrival. Please see our refund policy for more details.

How long do I have to request a return?

You have 7 days after the item was delivered to request a return. Please make sure to contact us within this timeframe if you need to return an item. Any requests made after the 7-day period will not be accepted.

What is your return policy?

Our return policy states that the item must be in the same condition as when you received it, unworn or unused, with tags, and in its original packaging. Returns will not be accepted for products that were left outside, damaged due to weather, or transportation of the package. To initiate a return, please contact us at info@whiteoakambience.com. For more details, please refer to our refund policy.

Do you offer refunds?

If your return is approved, we will issue a refund for the price of the product. The refund will be processed within 10 business days and will be automatically refunded to your original payment method. Please note that it may take additional time for your bank or credit card company to process the refund. For more information, please see our refund policy.

How can I track my order?

Once your order is shipped, you will receive an email with tracking numbers. You can use these tracking numbers to track your package through the email you received. If you have any issues with tracking your order, please contact us at info@whiteoakambience.com.

What if I didn't receive my order?

If you did not receive your order, please contact the courier with your tracking number to inquire about the whereabouts of your package. You can also call or email us for assistance with your order. Please note that once your package has been received, any reports of missing items must be reported to us within 7 days of receipt/delivery. After this time, we will not be able to make any adjustments.

Can I cancel my order?

We cannot accept cancellations after an order is in paid status. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any concerns or questions about your order, please contact us at info@whiteoakambience.com.

How often do you ship products?

Currently, we ship products every Wednesday and Saturday. Please keep this in mind when placing your order. For more information on shipping times, please refer to our shipping policy.

Can I reuse the Candle Container?

 When it comes to candle jars and containers, many people wonder if they can refill or re-use them once the candle has burned down completely. While it may seem like a practical and eco-friendly solution, it is not recommended to reuse candle containers for another candle. Here's why:

Firstly, it's important to understand that the process of making candles involves heating the wax to high temperatures and pouring it into the container. This can cause the glass jar to undergo stress and potentially develop imperfections. These imperfections may not be visible to the naked eye, but they can weaken the glass over time.

Reusing a candle container that has been weakened by the heat and stress of the initial candle-making process can pose a safety risk. The glass may be more prone to cracking or shattering, especially when exposed to high temperatures again.

Additionally, the leftover wax residue from the previous candle may not burn as efficiently or evenly in a reused container. This can result in uneven melting and potentially create a fire hazard.

Instead of reusing candle containers, it is recommended to properly dispose of them. You can recycle the glass jars or find creative ways to repurpose them for other purposes, such as storage or decoration.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure the safety and longevity of your candle containers. Remember, it's always better to prioritize safety over convenience when it comes to candle usage.

When it comes to candle safety, it's important to understand why most candles recommend discontinuing use when there is a half inch of wax remaining at the bottom. This guideline is based on scientific research and industry standards to ensure the safety of consumers. Let's delve into the reasons behind this recommendation.

Discontinue Candle Use at 1/2 inch, but why?

Candles are a popular choice for creating a cozy and inviting ambiance in homes. However, it's crucial to use them responsibly to prevent accidents and potential hazards. Proper candle usage includes following safety guidelines provided by manufacturers.

Understanding the Half Inch Rule

The half inch rule refers to the guideline that suggests discontinuing the use of a candle when there is approximately half an inch of wax remaining at the bottom. This guideline is based on several factors:

1. Fire Safety: As a candle burns, the flame gets closer to the bottom of the container. When the wax level is low, the flame can come into contact with the container, potentially causing it to crack or break. This can lead to a fire hazard and increase the risk of injury or property damage.

2. Heat Buildup: As the candle burns down, the space between the flame and the container decreases. This can result in increased heat buildup, which may cause the container to become excessively hot. Handling a hot container can lead to burns or other injuries.

3. Reduced Stability: When a candle has a small amount of wax left, its stability may be compromised. The wick may not remain centered, increasing the risk of the flame coming into contact with the container's sides. This can lead to cracking or breaking, posing a safety hazard.

4. Preventing Wax Fires: Discontinuing use with a half inch of wax remaining helps prevent wax fires. When the flame reaches the bottom of the container, it can ignite any residual wax, resulting in a larger and more dangerous fire.

Ensuring Candle Safety

To ensure candle safety, it is essential to follow these additional guidelines:

1. Trim the Wick: Keep the wick trimmed to approximately ¼ inch before each use. This helps maintain a controlled flame and reduces the risk of excessive heat or soot buildup.

2. Use a Stable Surface: Always place candles on a stable and heat-resistant surface. Avoid placing them near flammable materials or in drafty areas.

3. Never Leave Unattended: Never leave a burning candle unattended. Always extinguish the flame before leaving the room or going to sleep.

4. Keep Away from Children and Pets: Keep candles out of reach of children and pets to prevent accidental burns or injuries.


The recommendation to discontinue using a candle when a half inch of wax remains is rooted in fire safety, heat buildup, stability concerns, and the prevention of wax fires. By following these guidelines and practicing responsible candle usage, you can enjoy the cozy ambiance of candles while prioritizing safety in your home.




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